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Connect multiple Discord guilds with wormhole

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The Admin cog allows the bot administrator to manage beams, wormholes and users.

announce [message]

Admin only. Send manual announcement to all wormholes in the beam.

block (member)

Mod only. Block user from sending any messages to the given beam.

ban (member) is an alias for this command.


There can be multiple independent shared chats. These chats, called beams, may have multiple wormholes connected to them. Wormhole can only be connected to one beam.

Invoker has to be bot administrator in order to edit these settings.

Beam settings

Key Value Description
active 1, 0 Whether the beam should transfer messages
admin_id 0, user ID Pingable user account in case of problems
anonymity none, guild, full Anonymity level for names
replace 1, 0 Whether to replace original messages
timeout 60 Time interval in seconds, in which the bot holds original messages in memory. This is used for editing and removing sent messages.

Beam commands

beam add [name]

Creates new beam and opens it. The name must be unique and has to match [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ pattern.

beam open [name]

Open previously closed beam. This will allow messages to be sent.

This is an alias for beam set [name] active 1.

beam close [name]

Close previously opened beam. This will block all messages from being sent.

This is an alias for beam set [name] active 0.

beam set [name] [key] [value]

Alter beam settings. See the table above for available options.

beam list

List opened beams


Each wormhole is a text channel in some guild, connected to specified beam.

Invoker has to be bot administrator in order to edit these settings.

Wormhole settings

Key Value Description
beam beam name Beam the wormhole is connected to
admin_id 0, user ID Pingable user account in case of problems
active 1, 0 Whether the wormhole should transfer messages. This will not override beam settings.
logo string String, displayed instead of the guild name. Guild emojis are supported.
readonly 0, 1 Do not send messages, just recieve them
messages integer Number of messages the wormhole has sent

Wormhole commands

wormhole add [beam name] [channel ID]

Add current text channel as new wormhole to specified beam. If the channel ID is omitted, current channel is used.

wormhole remove [channel ID]

Remove current wormhole. If the channel ID is omitted, current channel is used.

wormhole set [channel ID] [key] [value]

Alter wormhole settings. See the table above for available options.

wormhole list

List beams and their wormholes.


Users can register their accounts if they want to be able to be tagged or to have their home wormhole linked to them.

Invoker has to be mod or bot administrator in order to edit these settings.

User settings

Key Value Description
home_id:[beam name] channel ID, 0 Wormhole text channel. There is an entry for every beam the user is registered in.
mod 0, 1 Whether they are mod
nickname string Display name. Default is their Discord name.
readonly 0, 1 Ignore their messages
restricted 0, 1 Wheter they should be disallowed to alter their nickname and home wormhole

User commands

user add [member ID] [nickname]

Add new user to database. Member must not exist in database, nickname must not be already used.

user remove [member ID]

Remove user from database.

user set [member ID] [key] [value]

Alter user’s settings. See the table above for available options.

user list

List users and their parameters. Note that this output may be huge, depending on number of registered users.

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